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CenterLine Store Information

New Seasonal Ordering System

From now on, employees will only have the opportunity to place orders four times a year. Each time, the website will remain open for one month. This will allow you to purchase items in advance for the next season.


Below is a table with the expected dates on which the online store will remain open. These dates are subject to change. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

Season Calendar.png

Delivery Details at Checkout

1. You can use either your CenterLine or personal email. 


2. You can use your personal phone number on your order. 

3. Please make sure to enter your CenterLine work building address, not your home:

  • 415 Morton Drive, Windsor ON N9J 3T8, Canada

  • 6290 Morton Industrial Pkwy, Windsor ON  N9J 3W3, Canada

  • 655 Morton Drive, Windsor ON  N9J 3T9, Canada

  • 595 Morton Drive, Windsor ON  N9J 3T8, Canada



CenterLine Store payments are processed via payroll deductionwhich means that what you order through this website will be charged directly from your paycheck, so no card or other payment method is needed.

Coveralls, Work Shirts, and Shop Coats

These items aren't always available for purchase. A public announcement will be made when they become available. Since they take six months to make, these orders are made twice a year.

For any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please email

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